Saturday, August 27, 2011

10th Week @ XIMB

उम्मीद वक्त का सबसे बड़ा सहारा है, गर हौसला है तो हर मौज में किनारा है। -'साहिर' लुधियानवी

10th Week --- 14th August to 20th August

14th August - Bike came to Bhubaneswar ! SRC cordially invited everyone for the candle march tonight in honour of country's Independence Day.

15th August - First Holiday of the Trimester ! Not attended flag hosting ceremony due to sleep. Spent time with children at orphanage for SRP project. That was much better way of celebrating independence.

16th August - Summer Internship Process started today. I was busy man today as a shadow Placecom member. Literally run 100m for a cup of coffee to HR. Gaurav Anand, Joslin Jose, Abhijeet and Anshul were finally selected in this agri input company.

17th August - Not much happening day. Sportscom Applicants were invited and most ; Yogesh Joshi was finally selected in any committee.

18th August - Robert Mulhal of Lucca Leadership gives a brilliant interactive session. He pointed out about : Awareness to Serve and Everybody is leader.In,Shoelace game was really good. Then, there was RDA presentation; We presented our ppt on Peru's famous NGO Flora Tristan;

Check this video for inspiration presented by Robert.

19th August - Learned in OB-1 lecture that about deep impact of the repetition of micro stresses and Techno stress. F M Sahoo asked us : Never do any work on holiday!

It was World Humanitarian Day; S. Parsuraman, Director, TISS, Mumbai and Mr. Mihir Bhatt, Founder, All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), Ahmedabad were there in the list of speakers. Seminar revolved around disaster events that has impacted India. More details here on SRC blog.

20th August - RDA quiz was there on Saturday.Pretty good show for whole batch; Not attended launch of Kurushetra. Came in the Game Committee Defaulters.

Learning of the week - New term learned this week Servant Leadership.